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Latest Trends in Newly Constructed Homes

Latest design in new construction during Pandemic COVID-19

Many of the latest design trends in newly constructed homes have emerged even before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with sheltering in place and working or learning from home becoming a huge part of the “new normal”, people are taking a closer look at how the home can be much more than a place to retire to at the end of a long day. This newfound attitude is fast influencing the design and construction of new homes, as well as the preferences of homebuyers and homeowners today.

Take a look at the latest trends in new home construction and see how they respond to your lifestyle needs now and in the future.

  1. Flexible spaces

    With homes serving more functions today than ever before, flexible spaces have become an important part of everyday life. For example, many new homes include a family room that may also double as a home office. And with remote learning likely to become a regular thing — at least, in the near future — parents will want their work-from-home spaces to be close to the kids’ study areas as much as possible. A home that allows plenty of flexibility to adapt to these changing needs is something that buyers should look into.

  2. Customized design

    With the home truly becoming the center of activities today, you’d want a property that reflects your individual preferences and lifestyle. Customizing as many details as possible has become a trend among buyers of new homes. If you don’t have the option of designing your house from scratch, consider incorporating as many customization options allowed by your builder as you may need. One of the features you might want to add is a home office with plenty of storage, adequate lighting for work and remote learning, and perhaps, soundproofing for more efficient video calls.

  3. Smart home features

    Smart home technology has been a trend for quite some time, but it has gained even more importance in the “new normal”. With everyone staying at home most of the time, smart home features bring an added layer of comfort and convenience. Not only that, with the use of voice commands and sensors, they also help minimize contact with surfaces, which is encouraged to prevent the spread of germs and viruses. Even after the pandemic, it’s expected that people will continue to observe practices that can help limit the spread of any infection, and that includes limiting contact with surfaces as much as possible.

  4. More spacious and efficient kitchens

    Spacious, welcoming kitchens with the latest, most efficient appliances and gadgets have long been a trend in homes, but the need and desire for one have never been more deeply felt than in these days of sheltering in place. 

    Families tend to get together in the kitchen to prepare meals, dine, do some work, or simply have some quiet time together. During the pandemic, many have turned to cooking or baking, not only out of necessity but also as a relaxing and fruitful way to spend time at home. With this in mind, when buying or building a new home, pay close attention to the kitchen and incorporate elements that will truly enhance its role as the heart of the home.

Looking for a new construction property in Miami to usher in a more home-centric lifestyle? We at Connie Cabral Group can help. Give us a call at 305.776.0899 or send an email to connie(at)conniecabral(dotted)com.

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